I expect my progressive opponents (what a dishonourable lot they are) will think that title means I'm talking about race, but that's not what this is about. I'm concerned with the way so many modern Leftist ideas seem designed to disorient everyone by attacking everything we believe. Progressives and postmodernists seem to have always hated science and logic, so they created this trend of undermining every certainty.
This dovetails nicely with the attempts of Cultural Marxists to overturn everything that holds Western societies together and keeps them strong: liberties, democracy, capitalism, patriotism, Christianity. It is uncanny how academics have taught people to be tired of every one of those things. But pomo people hate logic and science themselves: things often created by white men and that frequently provide inconvenient obstacles for Leftwing claims. I'm also forced to observe that a big part of this trend is just to confuse everyone, to the point where minds are more malleable.
The big example (for me) is the danger of saying "men and women are different" or "men can't be women". If you do so (I'm afraid of even saying it in print here, such are the speech fascists and their hold on social media platforms) the army of angry people accusing you of "hatred" - for expressing and opinion - beggars belief.
Some idiot will accuse you of hate speech, there'll be a mob on twitter, none of whom will check what you say - crowds never think for themselves and, unfortunately, this happens online as well.
It was too much already when these lunatics were trying to get people cancelled and socially ostracised for having the wrong opinion. Now they want us thrown in jail for it.
And there's a sort of inevitability about how governments just roll over every time and introduce bills for yet more censorship of speech that almost nobody asked for (except for a small bunch of psychopaths).
I confess to being puzzled and demoralised by how governments so quickly give in to this insanity, but I expect it's because of the "intersectional" nature of this kind of politics. The feminists and anti-racists are pushing these measures, so the trans lobby are included, even though feminists actually hate them, and soon it will be illegal hate-speech to say "men can't be women".
And all our principles of free speech are going, just like that, because a bunch of kids who understand nothing (they're not exactly philosophers, are they?) repeat brainless slogans like "free speech doesn't mean the freedom to utter hate-speech"
The argument is that if you disagree with someone on these matters, it's inevitably because of "hatred" - they're pulling the same trick the Left use on immigration every single time - and no one anywhere questions the logic of it even once, all the way up to the House of Commons.
Of course logic is a white man's creation to oppress everyone else, I forgot.. Well here we are, we'll past the stage where the quotes from Orwell's 1984 are getting old: Freedom is Slavery, War is Peace etc.. But young, ignorant people haven't read or understood Orwell - our teachers saw to that
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